New Years 2016 - 17
Portland, ME
Ending 2016 with enough of a party to feel great about it for a moment and starting 2017 off right.
Indescribably incredible People,
November 16, 2016
You are the reasons I have hope that 2017 can be a wonderful year of triumph and perseverance, and each and every one of you brings me immense joy and a feeling of pride in what humanity can be. Thank you. Now lets all hang out in the same place, enjoy each others company and ring in what is sure to be an interesting year surrounded by amazing people!
The celebration will take place in Portland Maine at 35 Taylor St (Aprt 3) on the 31st of December. You are the party so it starts when you arrive - there will be drinks aplenty and food to wash them down with as well as plenty of space to sleep so worry not about accommodations.
Please respond with any questions, ideas, and confirmations.
Thank you for being incredible and reminding me of the great potential of humanity.
Stay Awesome and See you soon,
-William Wolf Guenette